
it’s personal and micro – simply.
Ukraine Deserves our Respect

more than the doctor ordered

The meds I do every morning to manage my little collection of physical ailments don’t always do it for me. Sometimes, the pain goes far beyond what a few Tylenol (along with those other meds) can resolve. When I wake up feeling like total shit, I need something more powerful. Well, I tried something this morning after my usual meds and motherfucker, it worked!

Three songs in their entirety, one after the other was the magic formula I discovered this morning. Three songs. And I’m good now.

I started with Clive Murray’s Return to Gamut Street...


Clive’s guitar playing reminds me a bit of David Gilmour, which led me to my second musical med, Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb....


Then the third musical med smoothed it all out - Rich Woman by Robert Plant and Allison Krause with T-Bone Burnett on the guitar.


In the words of Mr. James Brown, I feel good!
Thanks to the miracles of modern musical medicine.

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It’s like we’ve all been given a 4 year prison sentence, without parole, for a crime we did not commit.

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notes on an ageless web

(edited 02/12/25 for clarity)

Several recent guestbook posts at bulltown got my attention.

wowo cool site 😁

followed by

holy shit you're older than my dad

Hysterical laughter ensued!

In all seriousness, it reminded me that the web is ageless and those thoughts could only have been written by someone as extremely young as I am old. As it turns out, the words came from a 14-year-old.

We now follow each other at Neocities. She’s a nice person and her creativity is exactly the type of thing that made me wanna join Neocities in the first place.

so what does ‘ageless’ mean anyway?

Long ago in the age of Web 1.0, blogging, Geocities, Yahoo, and pop-under ads, I set out to make a point, creating the ageless project. Unfortunately, all that remains is a list of links to about 5 dozen kind people who supported the project, linking to it from their own blog or personal homepage - there once was a large directory of links (not only to supporters) organized by the authors’ ages - but link-checking (and fixing) took its toll…

When I first launched the project, many people wrote about it as if it was a directory of old peoples’ personal sites. Not at all - it was a directory of personal sites authored by people of all ages - from teenagers to people in their nineties. I truly believed back then as I do now, that the web brings us all together regardless of age (and gender, ethnicity, or sexual identity)!

With all that said, I have to admit I might very well be the oldest person in the Neocities community. Maybe not.

But I love it!

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political opinion (toggle)

the grand pay-to-play
happening in front of us
a train wreck looming

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impact - life changing, world changing.

Sometimes, when we’re just hanging out having fun, I’ll tell Kim, “I need you to add something to my urn.”

Like ‘he sure could make a sub!’ or ‘he was a friggin’ genius!’ Sure. I care about my legacy especially at my age.

Nope. Ain’t telling. I never suggested she add ‘damn! he was really, really old!’ to my urn. 😎

My upbringing was full of shouting and sometimes violent fighting around me. Needless to say, it took a long time for me to grow up and out of the chaos. What I had so abhorred eventually helped me understand myself better.

I guess my own need to be happy helped me understand the value of making others happy. From deep within my soul, I see myself as an entertainer of sorts.

If something I share gives one person a moment of joy (or at least a thought provoking idea to ponder over), then I’ve made a little difference in the world. I live for that…

A crappy upbringing ain’t the whole story. Add Neil Young, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and David Bowie to the list of people/things which impacted my life in huge ways. You can also add computers, the internet, and the power of hypertext and web building while you’re at it.

Of everything above, I’d have to say David Bowie inspired me in the biggest way. When he died, I was just a few years younger than him.

Knowing his demise was imminent, he managed to complete his greatest work (imo) - ‘Blackstar’ was released just 2 days before his death.

He taught me it’s never too late to live out one’s dreams and visions… until it’s too late. I live by that.

Read between my lines - hopefully, you’ll understand the sense of fulfillment I’m lucky to enjoy.

This post is in response to Indieweb Carnival November 2024: Reflecting on Impact, hosted by the library of alexandra.

Related: inspiration opening doors

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