
it’s personal and micro – simply.

When financial goals are no longer the center of our existence, time expands. We begin to see life for what it really is: a collection of simple, beautiful moments. A slow morning with a warm cup of tea, a walk through a forest as the sun filters through the trees, or the satisfaction of growing your own food, these moments offer something money can’t buy: peace.

some things are hard

I’ve often said life is good to express my gratitude for being alive. I’ve been kinda lucky (but not always).

Being wakened by pain doesn’t sit well with me. Nothing like interrupted sleep to make one feel like crap for the rest of a new day.

I’ve lived with chronic back problems for about 20 years and the related muscle spasms have increased in frequency and intensity over time. Only recently, some spasms have turned into painful leg cramps while I’m sleeping - that’s when joe says let’s get up!

There’s other health issues to manage too, some of which I’m simply stuck with but one of which I brought on myself and could probably fix if and when I finally get my shit together - makes the spasms seem like a walk in the park (no pun intended).

So I’m trying to work on it - apparently not hard enough… yet.


My day starts now. It’s taken me this long to get in gear.

Three hours in, I’m ready to put challenges aside and move forward.

There’s sunfire in my heart now, handmade from the heart of another I’m lucky to have in my life.

I know I said ‘final’ so...

Version 4 | Version 3 | Version 2 | Version 1

...let’s call this my final ‘final’ version.

a screenshot of an even cleaner and more organized version of the minimal black and white desktop with a grid background

(Updated 08/21/24)


An evening full of twinkling lights can be downright inspiring!

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joe jenett

a curator (of sorts)

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