what to say
I’m 69 years old. I’ve outlived both of my parents, David Bowie, and Prince for starters. That’s not to say I’m free of health challenges possibly jeopardizing my own longevity, it’s just to say I am here and I am grateful especially in light of the seemingly impending doom surrounding the world at the moment. We’re not doomed but the wakeup call is duly noted.
safe at the moment
I’m grateful to be in this safe place with Kim, both physically untouched by the horrific pandemic at least for now. Watching news and witnessing the death of thousands in real time is the current reality. I’m sad for those losing loved ones to this wildfire. And I’m sad for those on the front line fighting a seemingly impossible fight in light of the sorry state of affairs when it comes to our nation’s utter lack of preparedness for such a crisis. Our leaders’ priorities are not at all in line with the needs of our nation.
I could say more but since it’s all been said before, I doubt you want to hear it. I know I don’t want to say it. There’s more to life than the misery we’re witnessing - there has to be!
we need balance
Part of survival is the realization that focusing only on dire straits (such as the current crisis represents) can be a sure path to going insane. We need balance. Life goes on despite it all and experience tells me distraction is a key to survival. It works for me anyway. It always has. Whether it’s writing about or only thinking about something other than the immediate global crisis, it’s important to find balance - therapeutic indeed.
What’s the point if we can’t use our limited time here on earth doing what we find meaningful and accomplishing those things we’ve set out to do before our time is up! We’re all vulnerable and that’s the perfect reason to do what we do while we still can in my opinion.
Stay safe and stay sane.