Forgive all the self-linking but this post continues a story.

It’s been about 18 months since the big change. A few months later, I wrote about its ups and downs:

I wanted to continue doing what I truly love to do on the web without that daily pressure to make the donuts. I like to think my donuts are tasty enough to enjoy even if they weren't available every day.

In January of this year, I wrote adventures of a donut maker:

What the hell does that have to do with donuts?

I guess this curating thing I do on the web is just me hoping to entertain others with the links I share. It’s kinda like what someone hopes to do when they drop off a box of fresh donuts somewhere. Knowing the people in that office (or whatever kind of place) are going to get excited when they taste them donuts is certainly worth the effort.

in the now

“I’m sharing almost as many links per week as I was before while having more time for other ongoing creative projects.” I said that a few months after that big change and am tickled to repeat it now. Like that bulltown thing I do - its very recent offspring at Neocities (a community full of creative folks) has been keeping me busy lately. I’m doing all the things I love to do and having more fun than ever!

Take care...